Home > Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.

Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. funghet
    August 23rd, 2018

    ok, @Ninja just found the dump :)

    can you share your experience ? how much point did you reach, problem…error…

  2. funghet
    August 23rd, 2018

    does someone convert the SPOTO PDF to a vce or text ?

    thank you in advance..

  3. IPconfig
    August 23rd, 2018

    From nneettwwpprrkkiinngg-V2.1 august Q665 and also the same from SPOTO Question and ans
    You want router r1 to perform unequal-cost routing to the network. What is the smallest EIGRP variance value that you can configure on R1 to achieve this result?

    A. 1
    B. 2
    C. 3
    D. 4

    On dumps:
    Ans = A
    The correct answer is = C
    it should be 3 because the variance is the multiplier of successor.

    in this case the
    Metric 150 to reach the = successor
    Metric 300 to reach the = feasible distance or feasible successor (it will put this route to the routing table IF the successor goes down. but the question is it needs to load balance the to path which is metric 150 and metric 300 should be put together on route table when you command the show ip route)

    In order to load-balance our feasible successor or feasible distance it needs to have a lower feasible distance than the successor X multiplier.

    Metric 150 x 1 variance = 150 which 300 is higher than 150 so this is wrong
    Metric 150 x 2 variance = 300 which 300 is equal value. the rule is it needs the feasible distance 300 is lower than successor which is the metric 150.

    Metric 150 x 3 variance = 450 which 300 is lower than 450. the correct answer is 3

    You can choose 3 or 4 variance it will perform un-equal cost but the question is looking for the smallest EIGRP variance vlaue.

    try to read how to master 300-101 book.
    and here is the link for your references

    Please correct me if I’m wrong. I’m just also studying the route exam. Thank you all

  4. WhoAmI
    August 23rd, 2018

    Anyone figure out a way around the “Request Exam Key” error when sharing vce files? Re-done several of the vce files found here, but they only work on the computer they were created on.

  5. sadfiber
    August 23rd, 2018

    Hi, Can somebody share to me spoto/labs?

    keyhoheng @ gmail .com

  6. JAJA
    August 23rd, 2018

    Any one has the GNS file for EIGRP Simlet?. Just to be clear, not the EIGRP Evaluation sim, not the EIGRP Stub sim.

    I don’t know if this EIGRP simlet is new. It has a question like this:

    Which two networks does the Core1 device have feasible successors for? (Choose two)
    A –
    B –
    C –
    D –
    E –
    F –

    Please send it to JAJAJA9122 @ gmail . com


  7. Mstff
    August 23rd, 2018

    Anyone pass test using only the Digital Tut questions and labs?
    are they all still valid.?

  8. Juanchos
    August 23rd, 2018

    Passed few hours ago with 8XX
    Drag & Drop I got are : COPP/MPP, Frame Relay Multipoint, GRE Features, IPv6 Router Security Features (IPv6 Traffic Filtering vs IPv6 Access Classes), AAA Features,
    LABS are: EIGRP Stub, OSPF Virtual-Link, EIGRP/OSPF Redistribution
    thanks @nneettwwrrookkiinnggg the Dump 2.1 is valid.

  9. STIG
    August 23rd, 2018

    Thanks @Juanchos

  10. STIG
    August 23rd, 2018

    nneettwwoorrkkiinngg v2.1 –WRONG QUESTION..

    QUESTION 716
    which access list used to filter upper layer protocol ?
    A. extended acl
    B. standart acl
    C. reflexive acl
    D. time based acl
    E. dynamic acl
    Correct Answer: A
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

    References; https://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios-xml/ios/sec_data_acl/configuration/15-1s/sec-access-list-ov.html


  11. ciscoman
    August 24th, 2018

    Hello guys this is the best materials you will thank me later


  12. Erzh
    August 24th, 2018

    Hello guys. I passed the exeam today 867/1000
    I have 53 questions.
    Lab: Eigrp stub, OSPF-Eigrp redistribute, IPv6 Ospf Virtual-Link
    DND: Tacacs-radius-aaa, frame-relay multipoint,GRE Feature, IPv6 router security feature and something about MOP/COPP.
    nneettwwpprrkkiinngg-V2.1 dump are very valid. I learn only this dump.
    Thanks nneettwwpprrkkiinngg, digitaltut.

  13. AllGood
    August 24th, 2018

    What is the correct answer?

    In which two areas does OSPF send a summary route by default ?
    A.NSSA B.Backbone C.Totally stubby D.Stub E.Normal

    (DE or CD???)

  14. ELO
    August 24th, 2018


    for me it is D and E (L3 LSA)

  15. AllGood
    August 24th, 2018

    Thanks @ELO :)

  16. hoho
    August 24th, 2018

    Which adverse circumstance can the TTL feature prevent?

    A.routing loops B.DoS attacks C.link saturation D.CAM table overload

    B or D?

  17. ROUTE
    August 24th, 2018

    It looks you are correct.

  18. Get_It!
    August 24th, 2018

    Question: I have seen support for both answers on this question, but looking for opinions on what is the best right answer according to Cisco.

    What routing protocol routes through the best path and second best path at the same time?

    BGP or EIGRP?

  19. Failed ccnp 300-101
    August 24th, 2018

    Hi guys all the stuff here is valid SPOTO dumps 100% well i just wrote today pass score was 790 and i got 694 well im thinking to retake what are the chances i can get the same test as the SPOTO dumps again ?

  20. IPconfig
    August 24th, 2018

    Which adverse circumstance can the TTL feature prevent?
    A.routing loops
    B.Dos attacks
    C.link saturation
    D.CAM table overload

    Both are correct answer which is routing loops and Dos attacks but on my opinion the question is “which adverse circumstance” it means in a bad situations or inauspicious.

    search it the keyword for routing loop and dos attack on below link.

  21. IPconfig
    August 24th, 2018

    @Failed ccnp 300-101 you can do it on your next retake exam.

    Please don’t rely on just SPOTO dumps. It seems like it has a lot of wrong answers. We need to come up a review first.

  22. IPconfig
    August 24th, 2018


    “”Question: I have seen support for both answers on this question, but looking for opinions on what is the best right answer according to Cisco.

    What routing protocol routes through the best path and second best path at the same time?

    BGP or EIGRP? “”

    The question is the best path and second best path at the same time, not load balancing or unequal-cost route selection algorithm. For my opinion the best answer is BGP.

    BGP Multipath
    BGP Multipath does not affect bestpath selection.

    EIGRP multipath get the lowest metric while if there is an feasible successor or un-equal cost multi path to reach the destination you need to command the variance multiplier to put it on routing table to make it a load balance. There is no best path selection for multi path only load balancing.

    help me to search this for a accurate answer.

  23. IPconfig
    August 24th, 2018

    BGP inserts up to n most recently received paths from multipath candidates in the IP routing table. The maximum value of n is currently 6. The default value, when multipath is disabled, is 1.

    For unequal-cost load balancing, you can also use BGP Link Bandwidth.

  24. someone
    August 24th, 2018

    What is the correct answer?

    In which two areas does OSPF send a summary route by default ?
    A.NSSA B.Backbone C.Totally stubby D.Stub E.Normal

    (DE or CD???)

    Correct answer is B. Backbone & E. Normal

    No stubby area gets summary routes by default, in stubby areas summary routes are suppressed and a default given in it’s place. Yes, a NSSA will get a summary type 7 from it’s own ASBR, but will not receive summary routes from other NSSA areas, so NSSA do not receive summary routes by default.

  25. nneettwwrrookkiinngg
    August 24th, 2018

    @Erzh congratulations

  26. Failed ccnp 300-101
    August 24th, 2018

    Hi Guys what are my chances for getting the same questions when i re take my CCNP 300-101 exam next week .

  27. someone
    August 24th, 2018


    “BGP Multipath allows installation into the IP routing table of multiple BGP paths to the same destination. These paths are installed in the table together with the best path for load sharing. BGP Multipath does not affect bestpath selection. For example, a router still designates one of the paths as the best path, according to the algorithm, and advertises this best path to its neighbors.”

    “Note Recall that BGP is not designed to perform load balancing. Paths are chosen because of policy, not based on bandwidth. BGP will choose only a single best path. Using the loopback addresses and the neighbor ebgp-multihop command as shown in this example allows load balancing, and redundancy, across the two paths between the autonomous systems.” — Foundation guide p.478

    I guess it depends on how you look at it, technically BGP does not route to more than one path, you can trick the router into load balancing by having BGP route to a loopback address on a router that has two physical routes to the next hop BGP area router, but it is a route lookup (CEF?) that does the load balancing across both physical links, not BGP, it only advertises & routes to the loopback address(it’s best path choice).

    Where as EIGRP is designed to route across multiple links, yes, you have to configure variance for unequal cost links. Successor routes could be considered best paths, and feasible successors, second best paths.But, Then again, “EIGRP does not load-share between multiple routes; it only installs the routes in the local routing table. The local routing table then enables switching hardware or software to load share between the multiple paths.” —Foundation guide p.126, so the same as BGP.

    My guess is that either we have the question wrong(missing information or wrong choices) or it is one of the questions that doesn’t count against your score.

    BGP usually refers to “paths”, EIGRP usually refers to “routes”……who knows!!!

    Anyone else have better information?

  28. nneettwwrrookkiinngg
    August 24th, 2018

    @ACME bro
    fixed thanks bro

    QUESTION 534
    Which task must you perform to enable a point-to-point Frame Relay connection ?
    A. Configure the encapsulation type
    B. Disable inverse ARP
    C. Enable inverse ARP
    D. Configure static address mapping

    Correct Answer: A

    NEW Questions August

    Thanks ACME


  29. nneettwwrrookkiinngg g
    August 24th, 2018

    thanks bro
    I will fix the answer

  30. someone
    August 24th, 2018


    Reflexive Access Lists

    Reflexive access lists provide filtering on upper-layer IP protocol SESSIONS….same link

    QUESTION 716
    which access list used to filter upper layer protocol ?
    A. extended acl
    B. standart acl
    C. reflexive acl
    D. time based acl
    E. dynamic acl
    Correct Answer: A
    Section: Networking – Questions-August


    Be careful, could be a or c, unless the question specifies sessions, which the above does not

  31. Anono
    August 24th, 2018

    Hi All – on nneettwwrrookkiinngg’s 2.0 exam did you even study Questions Day 4 exams? These look unfamiliar to me and im starting to freak out

  32. Route
    August 24th, 2018

    Passed today with 898 marks.
    All questions were from Networking2.1 dumps.
    It looks there are many questions whoes answer is incorrect & it should be validated.

    @networking kindly go through the comments & update correct answer for same.

  33. nneettwwrrookkiinngg g
    August 24th, 2018

    Thanks bro I fixed the Question

  34. nneettwwrrookkiinngg g
    August 24th, 2018

    do you remember false answers?

  35. nneettwwrrookkiinngg g
    August 24th, 2018

    I agree with you
    should be A

    I found the Question on the link


  36. nneettwwrrookkiinngg g
    August 24th, 2018

    Hi all
    we need check the Questions

    QUESTION 635
    A network engineer wants to monitor hop-by-hop response time on the network
    Which IP SLA operation accomplishes this task?
    A. UDP echo
    B. ICMP echo
    C. ICMP path echo
    D. ICMP path jitter
    Correct Answer: C
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

    QUESTION 534
    Which task must you perform to enable a point-to-point Frame Relay connection ?
    A. Configure the encapsulation type
    B. Disable inverse ARP
    C. Enable inverse ARP
    D. Configure static address mapping
    Correct Answer: D
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

    QUESTION 636
    How big is the smallest packet than will always be fragmented on a standart Ethernet network with default configuration?
    A. 1500 bytes
    B. 1800 bytes
    C. 2048 bytes
    D. 2100 bytes
    Correct Answer: A
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

    QUESTION 636
    How big is the smallest packet than will always be fragmented on a standart Ethernet network with default configuration?
    A. 1500 bytes
    B. 1800 bytes
    C. 2048 bytes
    D. 2100 bytes
    Correct Answer: A
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

    QUESTION 637
    Which Cisco Express Forwarding component maintains the Layer 2 next-hop address that are used for hardware switching?
    A. FIB
    B. RIB
    C. adjacency table
    D. ARP table
    Correct Answer: C
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

    Which task must you perform to implement EIGRP for IPv6 on a device?
    A. Use the ipv6 cef command to enable Cisco Express Forwarding on the device.
    B. Configure a loopback interface on the device.
    C. Manually configure the router ID
    D. Statically configure a neighbor statement
    Correct Answer: C
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

    QUESTION 360
    During which DMVPN phase is spoke-to-spoke communication enabled?
    A. Phase 4
    B. Phase 1
    C. Phase 2
    D. Phase 5
    Correct Answer: C
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

    QUESTION 482
    Which two features are provided by EIGRP for IPv6? (choose two)
    A. Backbone areas
    B. SPF algorithm
    C. Partial updates
    D. Area border router
    E. Scaling
    Correct Answer: CE
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

    QUESTION 365
    Which two statements about Frame Relay Point-to-Point connections are true? (Choose Two)
    A. Changing a point-to-point subinterface to a different type requires the device to be reloaded.
    B. They use two DLCls to communicate with multiple endpoints over the Frame Relay cloud.
    C. The device can establish a point-to-point connection to the cloud without a DLCI.
    D. They can operate normally without a DLCI map.
    E. Each physical interface that extends to the Frame Relay cloud can support a single SVC.
    Correct Answer: AB
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

  37. Ahmed
    August 24th, 2018


    Check below question is the same you wrote in your file 3 time and one of them answer is different please update only once with correct answer .

    configuration change can be applied simultaneously to all peers in the peer group
    Each neighbor in a peer group can have different inbound BGP policies

    QUESTION 547
    What are the two benefits of BGP peer groups
    A. support groups of paths
    B. A configuration change can be applied simultaneously to all peers in the peer group
    C. optimize backdoor routes
    D. updated via multicast
    E. each neighbour in a peer group can have different inbound BGP Policies
    F. they use soft updates to minimize bandwidth consumption
    Correct Answer: BF
    Section: Networking – NEW Questions

    QUESTION 642
    Which two options are benefits of BGP peer groups?(Choose two)
    A. A Configuration change can be applied simultaneously to all peers in the peer group
    B. They cam optimize backbone routers
    C. They can be updated via multicast
    D. Each neighbor in a peer group can have different inbound BGP policies
    E. The use soft update to minimize bandwidth consumption
    F. They support groups of paths
    Correct Answer: AD

    QUESTION 652
    Which two options are benefits of BGP peer groups?(Choose two)
    A. They can optimize backdoor routes
    B. They support groups of paths
    C. A configuration change can be applied simultaneously to all peers in the peer group
    D. Each neighbor in a peer group can have different inbound BGP policies
    E. They can be updated via multicast
    F. They use soft updates to minimize bandwidth consumption
    Correct Answer: CD

  38. Ahmed
    August 24th, 2018


    QUESTION 534
    Which task must you perform to enable a point-to-point Frame Relay connection ?
    A. Configure the encapsulation type
    B. Disable inverse ARP
    C. Enable inverse ARP
    D. Configure static address mapping
    Correct Answer: D
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

    Answer should be : A

    Here is your step-by-step guide to configuring Frame Relay:

    The first step should always be to configure the physical interface to use Frame Relay encapsulation using the command encapsulation frame-relay in interface configuration mode.
    Configure an IP address on the interfaces or sub-interface using the good old ip address command.
    Optionally, configure the LMI type of each physical interace using the frame-relay lmi-type command.
    Optionally, change the default Frame Relay encapsulation using the command encapsulation frame-relay. If you use the command on the interface (or sub-interface), it will change the encapsulation for all VCs on the interface (or sub-interface. If you want to change the encapsulation only for a specific VC, you should use the ietf keyword with the command frame-relay interface-dlci (point-to-point sub-interfaces) or frame-relay map.

  39. someone
    August 24th, 2018

    QUESTION 636
    How big is the smallest packet than will always be fragmented on a standart Ethernet network with default configuration?
    A. 1500 bytes
    B. 1800 bytes
    C. 2048 bytes
    D. 2100 bytes
    Correct Answer: A
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

    This question doesn’t make sense as stated, “how big is the smallest packet that will always be fragmented”, Are we sure it is “always”?

    “To avoid fragmentation of an IPv4 packet, the selection of the TCP MSS is the minimum buffer size and MTU of the outgoing interface minus 40 bytes. The 40 bytes take into account the 20-byte IPv4 header and the 20-byte TCP header.

    For example, the default Ethernet MTU is 1500 bytes. A TCP segment over IPv4 sent out an Ethernet interface will have a TCP MSS of 1460, which is 1500 bytes for the Ethernet MTU, minus 20 bytes for the IPv4 header, and minus 20 bytes for the TCP header.

    To avoid fragmentation, the TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS) defines the largest amount of data that the receiving device is able to accept in a single TCP segment.”

    So 1460 byte frame, plus 40 byte TCP/IP headers (20 bytes each) = 1500 byte packet = default configuration.

    1500 bytes is the smallest IPv4 packet packet size that will NOT be fragmented on a standard ethernet network with the default configuration.

    If it is “always”, then the answer would be “B. 1800” (from the list of choices) since 1500 bytes would not be fragmented with the default ehternet configuration, and anything above 1500 bytes would be fragmented.

  40. AM
    August 24th, 2018

    Hi All,

    is the dump v2.1 by @nneettwwrrookkiinngg updated? if not, is it valid ?

  41. nneettwwrrookkiinngg g
    August 24th, 2018


    updated the answer with ACME
    thanks bro

    QUESTION 534
    Which task must you perform to enable a point-to-point Frame Relay connection ?
    A. Configure the encapsulation type
    B. Disable inverse ARP
    C. Enable inverse ARP
    D. Configure static address mapping
    Correct Answer: A
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

  42. Ahmed
    August 24th, 2018


    QUESTION 741
    What command would you use to set EIGRP routes to be prioritized?
    A. distance 100
    B. distance 89
    C. distance eigrp 100
    D. distance eigrp 89
    Correct Answer: D
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

    QUESTION 750
    What command would you use to set EIGRP routes to be prioritized?
    A. distance 100
    B. distance 89
    C. distance eigrp 100
    D. distance eigrp 89
    Correct Answer: D
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

    Same Question 741 & 750

  43. nneettwwrrookkiinngg g
    August 24th, 2018

    I agree with you
    default MTU size is 1500
    Questions said default size than biggest size

    QUESTION 636
    How big is the smallest packet than will always be fragmented on a standart Ethernet network with default configuration?
    A. 1500 bytes
    B. 1800 bytes
    C. 2048 bytes
    D. 2100 bytes
    Correct Answer: B
    Section: Networking – Questions-August

  44. nneettwwrrookkiinngg g
    August 24th, 2018

    Thanks bro
    Deleted 750 :)

  45. nneettwwrrookkiinngg g
    August 24th, 2018

    Thanks bro
    deleted QUESTION 652 and QUESTION 547

  46. Q536
    August 24th, 2018

    Question 536
    In which two area does OSPF send a summary route by default?
    A. NSSA
    B. Backbone
    C. Totally Stubby
    D. Sub
    E. Normal

    Networkingggg pdf says D and E but wouldn’t the correct answer be C and D? It says summary route not summary LSA. Plus, summary LSA is allowed in a NSSA area too. So, I think C and D is correct.

    Was this question already asked or answered?

  47. Q638
    August 25th, 2018

    Which LSA type does R3 propagate into Area 1 for the network?
    PDF says B type 5 LSA

    I think it should be C type 7 LSA. Area 1 is a NSSA area. NSSA areas don’t allow type 5 LSA’s

  48. Anonymous
    August 25th, 2018

    scammers suck! go away, please!

  49. sancho
    August 25th, 2018


    yes see below:

    Redistribution into an NSSA area creates a special type of link-state advertisement (LSA) known as type 7, which can only exist in an NSSA area. An NSSA autonomous system boundary router (ASBR) generates this LSA and an NSSA area border router (ABR) translates it into a type 5 LSA, which gets propagated into the OSPF domain. The network diagram demonstrates this principle.


  50. acme
    August 25th, 2018

    anybody know how to search for questions that have been discussed already? I know we can go back by each page and look for a question but that takes time.

    there has to be a way on doing a search across all pages in one shot

  51. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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