Home > Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

Share your ROUTE v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 in ROUTE 300-101 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this ROUTE 300-101 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

The ROUTE 300-101 (ROUTE v2.0) exam has been used to replace the old ROUTE 642-902 exam so this article is devoted for candidates who took this exam sharing their experience.

Please tell with us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the ROUTE v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: Posting email is not allowed in the comment section.

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. blanklook
    December 15th, 2018

    Does anyone know the answer (I’ve wondered this for awhile) to this question about multi-choice questions

    In the exam, with a multi-choice Q, you get “Blah blah (Choose two)” for a, b, c, d, e. and you get one choice right but the other wrong. Is the question ‘marked’ as failed? Or do you get pionts for 1/2 the answer being correct?

  2. DJ Config Tee
    December 15th, 2018

    Greetings Again to all,

    I just passed my EXAM (9XX) using my PDF that you guys corrected within the discussions.






    All questions that I have sent pages ago within the forum are all spot on.

    ALL LABS/SIMS are valid on this site. Please study, as I have a feeling that questions are going to change.

  3. Djrs
    December 15th, 2018

    How can i get vce player please

  4. ZeRo__CooL
    December 15th, 2018

    Can someone give let me know the correct answer for below question?
    Which three methods can a network engineer use to fix a metric based routing loop in the network? (Choose three).

    A. Implement offset lists at network boundaries
    B. Filter routes manually using distribute lists
    C. Filter routes manually using prefix lists
    D. Implement proper network summarisation on key routing points
    E. Filter routes based on tags
    F. Utilise root database filters

  5. Networker
    December 15th, 2018


    The answer is “ABE”.

  6. Zero__Cool
    December 15th, 2018

    @ Networker
    Thank you sir!

  7. @Djrs
    December 15th, 2018

    Please use the below without *:

  8. JJ
    December 15th, 2018

    @ Anonymous

    There is an explain about Enabling IPv6 RIP in cisco manual below:


    Enabling IPv6 RIP
    Before You Begin
    Before configuring the router to run IPv6 RIP, globally enable IPv6 using the ipv6 unicast-routing command in global configuration mode, and enable IPv6 on any interfaces on which IPv6 RIP is to be enabled.

    If you want to set or change a global value, follow steps 1 and 2, and then use the optional ipv6 router ripcommand in global configuration mode.

    1. enable
    2. configure terminal
    3. ipv6 unicast-routing
    4. interface type number
    5. ipv6 rip name enable

    please check the content !!

    December 15th, 2018

    Hi all guys,

    I may join an exam at next week at weekend….!

    Please share me about new question&Answer.


    Thank first all guys. :) :) ^_^

  10. JJ
    December 15th, 2018

    What is correct answer about AAA Account D & D ?


    Please answer!!

  11. ZeRo__CooL
    December 15th, 2018


    Creates a method list to provide accounting information about all authenticated hosts that use the authentication proxy service.

    Creates a method list to provide accounting information about specific, individual EXEC commands associated with a specific privilege level.

    Creates a method list to provide accounting information about all outbound connections made from the network access server.

    Creates a method list to provide accounting records about user EXEC terminal sessions on the network access server, including username, date, and start and stop times.

    Creates a method list to provide accounting information for SLIP, PPP, NCPs, and ARA sessions.

    Creates a method list to provide accounting records for calls that have passed user authentication or calls that failed to be authenticated.


  12. JJ
    December 15th, 2018

    @ZeRo__CooL thanks a lot, bot i want to know the real D&D answers of AAA Account!!!

  13. M. Lummer
    December 15th, 2018

    4 Drag and Drop FYI: frame relay, ACL, AAA, DHCPv6.
    Labs: eigrp case, eigrp stub, route-map

    3 have passed the exam and got 96X/1000


    good luck

  14. JY
    December 15th, 2018

    I took the exam today, score 8XX. After that, I had reviewed back the Route_Dec_2018.pdf
    Almost 90% valid :) thank you DIGITALTUT

    (What I remember… as below: )
    Q1, 6, 13, 20, 31a, 41, 52, 71, 76, 87, 100, 192, 213, 219, 217 (D&D), 218, 221, 223, 231, 233, 234, 230, 248, 242…..
    New ROUTE Question: Q1, 3, 19, 15, 7, 31, 40
    Sim: EIGRP OSPF Redistribution, OSPF Evaluation Sim

  15. Anonymous
    December 15th, 2018

    JY congratulation, could you share Route_Dec_2018.pdf plz ?

  16. JY
    December 15th, 2018

    You can get it from URL below:
    ***digitaltut.com /route-questions-and-answers
    ***mediafire.com /file/xhn6ran5hcqb971/ROUTE_Dec_2018.pdf

  17. JY
    December 15th, 2018

    You can find from here *www. *digitaltut. *com /route- *questions- *and- *answers

  18. Lechu
    December 15th, 2018


    Someone can share the newest dump from Pass Leader ?

    Thank you

  19. Anonymous
    December 15th, 2018

    Vce link is 404
    Can somebody help me out?

  20. Epyon
    December 15th, 2018

    I took my re-exam on 12th but didn’t have time to post here since then. I passed with 9xx points – basically around question 25 i know i would pass. I had almost every single question from new questions 5 from premium section, and Redistribution Lab, OSPF Stub lab and OSPF evaluation sim. No new drag and drops or questions. Basically got lucky.

    Now i’m starting to learn for Switch exam that i plan to took somewhere in 2019.

    Good luck to everyone and may the force be with you all :) And also big thank you to everyone here that was working on newest dumps :)

  21. Lechu
    December 15th, 2018


    Question 23
    Which command do you enter to filter only routing updates that are sent through interface
    A. R1(config-if)#passive-interface GigabitEthernet0/0.
    B. R1(config-router)#no passive-interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    C. R1(config-router)#passive-interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    D. R1(config-router)passive-interface default
    E. R1(config-if)#passive-interface default
    F. R1(config-router)#distribute-list 1 GigabitEthernet0/0 out
    Answer: C

    Why not F ?? Passive interface will drop the neighbours.

  22. Nancy
    December 16th, 2018

    I have a question, would you study just the Most Popular Questions and new Updated Questions-Part5 to pass the exam? Or would you have to study everything under the Route 300-101 which is a lot? Someone please can you give me an idea.

  23. CCNP
    December 16th, 2018

    @ Epyon,

    You mentioned OSPF Stub lab. We believe it is “EIGRP Stub Sim” ?

    Can you please confirm?

  24. Networker
    December 16th, 2018


    The question didn’t specify if an access list is configured. Neither there is an exhibit to be evidence of an ACL.

    If you want to prevent routing updates sent out of an interface, “passive-interface command can be used.


    If there is a mention about ACL in the question, then “F – distribute-list 1 GigabitEthernet0/0 out” will be the correct answer.

  25. mr.trieu
    December 16th, 2018

    1. When OSPF is forming an adjacency, in which state does the actual exchange of the information in the link-state database occur?
    A. INIT
    B. Exstart
    C. Exchange
    D. Loading

    B or D, i think is D
    follow link: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/open-shortest-path-first-ospf/13685-13.html

  26. Anonymous
    December 16th, 2018

    can anyone please help me with the latest dumps ?

  27. Anonymous
    December 16th, 2018

    Is there any vce file for digitaltut dumps update dec

    December 16th, 2018

    Passed the exam kindly read 757q and passleader

  29. Lechu
    December 16th, 2018


    The question asking about ONLY filtering route updates, not about disabling neighboors (EIGRP OSPF). If we talking about RIP, yes passive interface is correct answer but the question didn’t specyfy which protocol are used. In most common cases you will use access list in distribution list or offset lists …. Disabling neighborhood is the last option which you use .

  30. Networker
    December 16th, 2018


    Then the question should clearly specify what restrictions/permissions are enlisted in the “distribute list 1” or atleast say an ACL is used to filter routing updates. Until the conditions are specified clearly, “passive-interfaces” will be the best option.

    You can tell the forum, if you have a justified explanation to use the “distribute list” option.

  31. mohamed
    December 16th, 2018

    please any one explain how is the exam come

  32. Lechu
    December 16th, 2018


    Answer F is better option because is the answer for the asket question (“ONLY”), passive interface is only correct if we talking about RIP, but we don’t have this information in question too and we don’t know what the author of question have in mind.

  33. Lechu
    December 16th, 2018

    Question 78
    A network engineer has configured GRE between two IOS routers. The state of the tunnel
    interface is continuously oscillating between up and down. What is the solution to this
    A. Create a more specific static route to define how to reach the remote router.
    B. Create a more specific ARP entry to define how to reach the remote router.
    C. Save the configuration and reload the router.
    D. Check whether the internet service provider link is stable

    Answer: A

    Better answer is D, in my opinion

  34. Lechu
    December 16th, 2018

    Question 123
    Which task must you perform to enable a point-to-point Frame Relay connection?
    A. Enable inverse ARP.
    B. Configure the encapsulation type.
    C. Configure static address mapping.
    D. Disable inverse ARP.
    Answer: C

    Answer C is wrong, inverse arp is enabled by default, encapsulation frame-relay is necessary.

  35. Lechu
    December 16th, 2018

    December 16th, 2018
    1. When OSPF is forming an adjacency, in which state does the actual exchange of the information in the link-state database occur?
    A. INIT
    B. Exstart
    C. Exchange
    D. Loading

    B or D, i think is D

    Correct aswer is C Exchange state ;)

  36. Lechu
    December 16th, 2018


    Yeah, in your link is wrote this more clearly. Thank you.

    It is D

  37. LANA
    December 16th, 2018

    I want lastest valid dump plaz

  38. JJ
    December 17th, 2018

    @ Romme refer the following:

    !— This is the mGRE interface for dynamic GRE tunnels.

    interface Tunnel1
    bandwidth 1000
    ip address
    no ip redirects
    ip mtu 1400
    ip nhrp authentication dmvpn
    ip nhrp map multicast dynamic
    ip nhrp network-id 99
    ip nhrp holdtime 300
    no ip split-horizon eigrp 1
    no ip mroute-cache
    delay 1000
    tunnel source FastEthernet0/0
    tunnel mode gre multipoint
    tunnel key 100000
    tunnel protection ipsec profile dmvpnprof

  39. sub
    December 17th, 2018

    hello, I passed my exam on Saturday! 9xx/1000

  40. CCNP
    December 17th, 2018

    @sub, please share your experience about the exam.

    Any new questions other than digitaltut or spoto?

  41. Kevin
    December 17th, 2018

    @sub and all,
    Is 227q dump still valid?

  42. Chilas
    December 17th, 2018


    I passed the exame with 8xx/1000.

    SPOTO and Networrking dumps are good but the exame have new questions so is important to know the concepts.

    Labs: EIGRP Stub, OSPF evaluation, OSPF and EIGRP redistribution

    DNDs: Frame Relay, COPP and MPP, NAT64,

    i remeber one quation about IP SLA:

    ip sla 100
    icmp-echo source-ip
    ip sla schedule 100 life forever start now
    track ip sla 100 reachibility

    ip route track 1
    ip route 2

    the quation is related to when the defalt route is used

    othe quation was about DHCP when users are removed from local site to remote site (i dont remember the options)

    Thanks for Digital tut. Next exame TSHOOT

  43. thing
    December 17th, 2018

    The 300-135 and 400-101 subjects are now stable, the latest update, and the people who passed the two days passed. Proshosts.com

  44. Yamen_2
    December 17th, 2018

    @Chilas congrat mate,
    Please can u say percontage questions another?

  45. Camp
    December 17th, 2018

    I wont tell you more… I have passed last week with 93x…

    There are NO new questions…

    Digitaltut premium with the Most Popular Questions and Update 5. is all you need! (90% is from here.) The last 10% you can also find in digitaltut if you go through the website…
    So EVERYTHING is here!!!

  46. Anonymous
    December 17th, 2018

    @Amerucan you post the file there is not working after open in VCE error

  47. NOUK
    December 17th, 2018

    Pass friday 8XX
    OSPF evaluation Sim
    OSPF Sim
    EIGRP Stub sim
    DND:DMVPN components,loose mode/strict mode
    Use this site (premium membership) and 227 100% valid
    Thank you digitaltut, and all active members helping others here

  48. Lechu
    December 17th, 2018


    Are you talking about this questions from this link ??

  49. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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